Friday, March 2, 2012

Skwat! Tuesday, Bench Thursday

Tuesday night we did some squatting.  It took forever because some of my training partners and I were teaching a newbie how to deadlift and squat.  So it was about 2 hours, and I really didn't do all that much.  That's alright though, still a good session:
Squat: worked up to 370 x 4. This is without a belt.  I do all my squats without a belt now.  I like it and you can't tell me I'm wrong!

Speed deadlifts:  I normally don't do these, but the other guy was doing these and I decided to join in.  He has about the same deadlift max as I do, so we did 10 sets of 2 with 285 pounds and 60 seconds rest between sets.   This is about 50% of my max, which is a decent weight.

Thursday we did some benchin'!  I worked up to 255 x 6.  I am excited, since this puts me at about a 305 pound max.  Slowly getting to a 315 max.  That would be great.  I think I'll have a little competition with myself and see if I can hit 315 by my birthday in June.  That should be very doable.  All this pressing is paying off, and my shoulders don't feel terrible.

After benching I did some overhead pressing with 105 pounds for 5 sets of 10.  It's boring work, but I think the high volume will help my pressing.  Ended the night with high-rep dumbbell rows: 150x20, x20.

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