Thursday, February 2, 2012


I was a total Olympic lifter tonight, albeit a weak one!  I practiced power cleans and worked up to 2 singles at 225.  These were a little difficult, but whatever.  I like them because they aren't too taxing, and I don't have to get all psyched up to do them yet.  After this I worked up to front squats for 315 x 2 for a couple sets.  Then I came home and did some cleans with my axle.  Right now I've only got 4-45 pound bumpers, so that's what I used.  With that bar, it's about 200 pounds.  These were really difficult because you can't rack an axle on your delts like you can a regular bar.  Just another thing I've got to practice.

By the way, just say a Planet Fitness commercial on TV.  I love it how they claim they are "judgment free" and don't discriminate or whatever.  Yet if you lift heavy weights there, they actually have an ALARM that alerts everyone to your lifting.  So you can't judge people who don't lift, but you can judge people who DO?  I could go on, but I won't...need to be a happy person!  Later!

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