Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Training

Trained strongman events again this past Saturday.  It was a good time again, and got out of there a little faster than last time, so that was good, too.  The events we did were log press, tire flip, farmer's walk, and I tried the Thomas inch dumbbell press (or circus DB press), and the yoke walk.  The circus dumbbell is massive.  I think the grip on the handle is three inches in diameter, so it makes for a really difficult hold.  The hardest part is getting the dumbbell set on your shoulder/traps.  Once I got that down, I did a few reps.  They were really tough though.

Also tried the yoke walk at the end of training.  The trick was to keep the yoke from swaying as you were walking.  I think we just worked up to 500 pounds, focusing on technique.

Today I went to the local high school so that I could use bumper plates and practice cleans on the lifting platform.  What a world of difference!  I didn't have to worry about controlling the bar down, and was able to work up to a fairly heavy weight (for me, anyway).  The only problem is that the high school has really crappy bars.  That, and the fact that the students don't know how to take care of their equipment, means that the bars are all bent.  The first one I grabbed wobbled straight across the platform because it was so bent!  I grabbed the best I could find and worked up to 245 pounds.  Tried 255, but it wasn't happening.  Did some abs and glute-ham raises after that, along with 15 minutes walking on the treadmill.  Felt good, and will be back to heavy training tomorrow.

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