Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quick Deadlift Update

Tuesday night I did deadlifts.  Here's the session:

Deadlift: worked up to 440 x 5
Front Squat: 250 x 5, x5, x5, x5
Rack pull below knee w/ shrug: 410 x 8, x8, x6
Reverse Hyper: 90 x8, x8

I've said before that I need to work on getting my hamstrings more involved in deadlifting again.  What I'm going to try and do is go to the local high school twice a week and work on glute-ham raises.  They have an actual glute-ham raise machine.  I've inserted a video of one below showing how the exercise is done.  The high school's machine isn't as nice, but it works alright.  The point of the exercise is to work your hamstrings in the knee flexed position.  So think of them kind of like leg curls on the machine, but way harder and better, because it involves moving your body through space instead of lying or sitting on a machine.  I think once I start hammering these and stretching my hamstrings more, my deadlift will start going up faster.

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