Wednesday, February 1, 2012


As I said in my last post, tonight was more light training.

Did a few barbell rows with 225, did some bulgarian split squats, did some incline bench pressing (have not done these for at least 5 years), and finished with some tire flipping.  The tire flips already felt immensely better than last time.  Once I can get that baby outside and out of the dusty warehouse, I should be able to train it just once a week to get good at it.

About this goal thing...I really need to shoot for something, or I am going to go nowhere.  I think setting goals for myself has been difficult in the past because of a few things.  One, because I thought doing this was dumb and "corny."  Related to #1, because setting goals and actually achieving them is rarely talked about seriously in life.  No one really tells you these things in school, and frankly, something like that doesn't come naturally to me.  After seeing my wife recently quit a job that was sucking the life out of her and making her unhappy, I have a better appreciation for goal-setting.  She is very good at writing stuff down, being positive, and doing all the little things that get her closer to her goals.

I need to start doing these things.  I need to write down what I want, how I'm going to get there, and then execute the plan.  I plan on writing more about this later, and tell you what my goals are for this year (I have to figure them out first, though).  I already have a good idea of what they will be...

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