Sunday, November 20, 2011


I love lifting on Saturday mornings!  It's the start of the weekend, I have tons of energy, and most of the time, I can lift with other people who also love lifting.  It usually takes about 2 - 3 hours of my morning, but that's mostly because we do a lot of talking and making fun of the guy with all the injuries. Good times!  Anyway, they typically do a squat/deadlift workout, whereas I try to have my deadlift or squat day fall on Saturday to get some tips.  This past Saturday I did my squat workout.  Got there early so I filled time with extra stretching and mobility work so my legs were nice and toasty.  I would have had video of my squat, but my phone is crap and didn't save the file.  Here we go:

Squat warmup: 135x6, x5, 185x5, 225x2
Squat: 245x5, 275x5, 315x6 (all beltless).  These felt pretty easy and I'm confident I'll be hitting 400 pretty routinely soon...already have done 407 with a belt.
Neck extension (w/ neck harness): 45 lbsx15 x 3 sets
Dumbbell Side Bend:  150x11, x10, x8 (each side)  my grip was giving out even with chalk on these
Plate loaded seated row: 200x8, x8, x8
Stiff legged deadlift (need to work on my hamstrings): 225x5, 315x6 x 4 sets
Zercher Squat: 185x6, 225x6, 275x5, x5, x5
If you've never done Zercher Squats, they are awesome.  Great for helping you keep your abs tight during squats and keep you from falling forward... forearm protection optional (I don't use any, b/c I'm a sucker for painful things I guess)
Here's a video of the Zercher Squat:

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