Monday, January 30, 2012


This past Friday my wife and I went "home" to visit our families.  It's great because they only live about 12 miles apart, and we usually see both families every time we go.  Friday night I got to watch my sister-in-law play a JV basketball game.  She was in for nearly the entire game and is very scrappy.  It'll be exciting to see what she can do as a senior when she has crisper passes and a smoother shot.  Anyway, on Saturday the high school she plays at had an open gym, so her and I went and we scrimmaged for just over an hour.  Needless to say, weightlifting is not the best option if you want to run up and down a basketball court (though of course it's a great way to get stronger and faster for ANY sport).  I thought I was going to fall over, I had a splitting headache, and I could never catch my breath.  Luckily we took a break after the first hour, and my body was okay the second time around.  My quads and calves are still a little sore, but all-in-all, I'm doing okay, and it goes to show you that weightlifting can offset a lot of the soreness one might feel after doing a new activity.  I also could just "feel" that I was stronger with the ball and dribbling than I had been in college and high school.

On to lifting.  Sunday was going to do some tire flipping, but was too tired out from basketball the day before.  I just did what I like to call my "Anti-sitting" workout, or recovery session.  Basically I do any lifts or stretches that counteract all the sitting I do in my car and at my job.  Lots of hip thrusts (glutes), rear foot elevated split squats (stretch out the hip flexors), and lots of work for my shoulders, scapula, lower traps (to prevent the "forward-lean" posture).  I felt much better after the hour session.  I need to do these sessions more often, because I always feel great when I'm done.

In some exciting news, I contacted a local strongman group in northeast Wisconsin, and I think I will be traveling on Saturday to train with them!  I am really excited to learn from people who are stronger than me and are interested in the same sport that I am.  I will have to drive about an hour and 45 minutes one way, though.  That means I have to get up before 6 AM on a Saturday!  Not looking forward to that, but I can't pass up this opportunity.  Hopefully I'll get to know the guys well, and maybe I can get up there twice a month to train.

No training tonight, just a few beers with a buddy.  Tomorrow will be light stuff again.  Have a great day everyone.

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