Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I said I wouldn't post again until after the New Year, but I've got some time at lunch to start a post, and I'll finish it later.  I want to touch on something that I think is very important for all athletes (weightlifting or not; but what athlete is not lifting? Probably a bad one).  That thing is keeping a training log.

Many high school, college and professional athletes probably don't keep their own logs, but their coaches do.  They need to be able to see consistent progress in the gym, on the field, track or wherever.  If they don't see progress, then they need to evaluate the training, and probably more importantly, what the athlete is doing in his/her spare time to hinder progress (boozing it up, overeating, not sleeping enough, etc.).  So, since you are reading this, you likely are not a professional athlete and only have yourself as coach.  Therefore, you need to keep a training log.

What should you track?  Well, if you're lifting weights, keep track of the poundage.  There are different ways to do this.  I usually just write my sets and reps down in my notebook and try to beat either the rep range from the week before or the poundage from the week before.  I usually try to up the reps I do before I increase the weight.  So if I squatted 315 x 3 one week, I may try to do 315x4 the next.  I increase the reps until I hit a certain "ceiling," such as 5 reps.  Then I increase the weight, like so (just an example, my squat training differs from this drastically):

Week 1: 315x3
Week 2: 315x4
Week 3: 315x5
Week 4 (if not taking a week off): 320x3
Week 5: 320x4
I think you get the idea.  I believe this way of progressing is called a double progression (I think? Look it up). Now, if you keep your training log for a year, you can see the progress you are making, and it will give you motivation to keep lifting.  Here are some of my numbers from last December:

Squat: 350x1 (with belt)
Deadlift: 440x1 (with belt)
Bench: 240x1 (ugh)
Overhead Press: 185 (ugh again)

Now looking at my December 2011 numbers, I really need to work on my pressing, because I suck at it, and I have long monkey arms:

Squat: 385x1 (no belt), 415x1 (belt)
Deadlift: 475x3 (no belt), 540x1 (belt)
Bench: 275x1
Press: 225x1 (belt), 205x1 (no belt)

So what am I going to do in 2011?  Lots more upper back work and pressing overhead.  And now I've gotta go.  Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Tonight I did some deadlifting and all the assistance work that usually goes along with that.  Here it goes:
(All sets done with no belt)
Deadlift: 185x5, 245x4, 315x3, 395x2, 475x3.  This was pretty tough, but I think I'm good for 500 pounds for a single with no belt.  According to a common Maximum calculator, it give me 522 pounds if 475 was a 3-rep max (which it wasn't).  You can use this calculation as an approximation of your maximum if you are just repping out a weight.  Here's the equation (some heavy math coming...not really):

(Weight Lifted X Reps X 0.0333) + Weight Lifted = Approximate Max

So say you were squatting and you squatted 315x4 reps, and you absolutely couldn't do another rep:

(315 X 4 X 0.0333) + 315 = 356.958

So you're estimated single rep maximum is about 357 pounds.  When I first started training seriously, I did two test days where I used approximately 85% of where I thought my max was (no calculating, just estimating based on previous performance), and repped out with squats, deadlifts, bench, and overhead press.  Then I calculated my max from those sets.  Then - pay attention! - I used 90% of that number off which I based all my training poundages.  I've got to give credit to Jim Wendler for this formula.  I'm pretty sure he didn't "invent" it, but he's the first guy I heard it from, so I'm giving credit to him.

Anyway, back to training:
Deficit DL: 385x5, x5, x5, x5
Shrug: 405x12, x12, x12, x12, 275x20
Neck Extension: 55x15, x15, x12

Have a Merry Christmas everybody!  I'll try to post between Christmas and New Year's, but it's probably not gonna happen!  No internet where I'm going!  Love you Melissa!  Text me when you read this!  (five exclamation points, yeah)

Monday, December 19, 2011


Sunday I did some benching and tried to do some log pressing.  I tried to get the log presses on video, but, as I may have mentioned before, my phone is not very good.  I'm restraining myself from typing in caps to show my frustration.  The phone got maybe half the sets of exercises I was doing, and I don't really know what the weights were in the videos since it was at a bad angle (I was by myself).

Anyway, here's what I did Sunday:
Bench: worked up to 220x6
Barbell Rows: 285x6x4 sets, 195x25
Log press: 135, 155, 175, 195, 225x1, 225x1

225 is a PR for me.  I did it twice because the first time I know my phone didn't save it, and I wanted to do get it on video. Hopefully I can get something up soon.  I also have squat footage that's not crap that I need to get uploaded.

Okay, just tried to piece some footage together...I give up.  Maybe I don't have enough patience.  Maybe it's all the sitting in the car I do alllll day.  Anyway, I'll post deadlift training from tomorrow.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hey everyone! This morning was my customary "medium" squat day.  It's typically a bit higher in volume and a little lower in intensity than my other 2 squat sessions.  What this really means is my squat is higher in volume, but I do whatever I want with my assistance lifts.  Usually they are a little higher volume.  Why? Because I want to get jacked, huge, and cut up bro...Anyway, here's how it went today:

Squat: worked up to 320 x 5, no belt
Pin Squats: 345x2 x a bunch of sets.  Set the pins at just above my bottom position.  I think next time I'll set them lower.
Stiff leg deadlifts: 355x5, x5, x5, x5
Neck extension and flexion: 50x15 x a bunch
Leg Press: 690x20.  Ugh...I haven't done these in a while and decided to push it.  Felt a little dizzy afterward, but didn't pass out!  Always a bonus when everyone's awake.  I've got a video of my squat, but YouTube's integrated video editing cuts off most of my body when I rotate the image...I'll have to figure that out.  Otherwise, I'll just upload a sideways video.  You'll be able to figure out what's going on I think.

UPDATE: Okay, tried to insert the video and it put the one in that was turned the right way but cut my body off. This is not worth my time.  Guess I will take all videos in the landscape format from now on to avoid this problem.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Tonight was upper body, military press, overhead press, whatever you want to call it.  It went very well and may be attributed to the 2 bowls of free homemade chili I had for lunch.  Mmmm.  We had a chili dump at work, and some people even put brats or meatballs in their chili, not to mention Guinness and other nice additions.  Made for a very good meal.  On to training - the highlights anyway:

Behind-the-neck push press:  135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x2, 205x2
Chin-up: bodyweight + 25 lbs: x6, x5, x5, x5, x5, x5
14" Log press: 135x5, 155x5, 175x3, 195x4
Rear Delt Raise: 45x8, x8, x8, x8
Reverse Barbell Curl (in the squat rack): 105x8, x8, x8, x6
Lat Pulldown: 200x10, x10, x4 (must have been tired out on that last one)
1-arm Dumbbell Row: 150x20 per arm

Overall this was a little extra volume than normal, but that's okay, because I just ate a bunch of rice and about a pound or more of beef (thanks Dad-in-law for your cow!).  Have a good one everybody!


Worked up to 465x3 deadlift, no belt.  Felt good, and probably could have gone for a few more pounds, but didn't need to push it.
Deficit Deadlift: 385x5x4 sets
Calf Raise: don't remember x 4 sets
Something else x a bunch of sets

Bulgarian Split Squat: 45x8 x8, 55x8 x8
My legs were burning but this always makes my hips and calves feel a lot less tight the next day.
Barbell Curls: 95x8, 105x10, x10, x10
Kneeling abs w/ tricep rope: 200x16, x16, x16

Tonight will be overhead press, behind-the-neck...We'll see how that goes.
Also going to be buying some equipment to keep building on the home gym. So far have a yoke, farmer's walk handles, and 2 atlas stones.  I'd like to get some bumper plates,a bar, and some regular steel plates so I can start practicing cleans and actually adding my strongman equipment.  Until next time...

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Did some benching and upper body work today:
Bench: 175x3, 200x3, 225x4, 245x1, 255x1, 275x1, 225x4
Supersetted w/ Squat: worked up to 325x2
Barbell Row: worked up to 275x8 x 4 sets
Neck Flexion off bench: 45x15 x16 x20
Rear Delt Raise: 40x8, 40x8, 40x8, 45x6
Dumbbell Side Bend: 140x12, x12, x12 each side
Log Press (I was beat, so not much here): worked up to 205x2

I'm trying a lot of my lifts beltless lately. One, because it's inherently harder, and two, because it's awesome.  I can do 385 in the squat with no belt, and at least 450 in the deadlift.  I might keep the belt for really heavy sets in the deadlift...we'll see.

Also trying a thumbless grip in the bench press.  This will help the barbell stay on the lower palm of my hand in line with my wrist.  I have had two wrist surgeries on my left hand, and hopefully this will help with the pain I've been having lately.  It's a more dangerous grip, but what's life without some risks, right?


Been super-busy at work and not feeling like doing anything once I get home at night, especially after driving for at least an hour just to get home.  I did go workout about 3 times last week.  Highlights were lots of squatting, lots of shrugging,  315x2 Zercher Squat, and 385 lb beltless squat.  I think these were last week anyway.
Yesterday did a squatting session. Not worth writing about b/c I was so tired.  Did have a decent session, except it took way too long because all the old guys (relative to me I guess; they are in their upper 40's/50's) were chatting and it was fun getting in on the conversations.  Today I'll be doing some benching, so pray that I don't staple myself to the bench (haha!).  Probably wouldn't be that funny if it actually happened.  Okay, will try to update the blog this afternoon.  Go Pack!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


So Friday night was the company Christmas party (called the Holiday party, because we can't say Christmas apparently...). Anyway, went to a coworker's house afterwards for some brews and definitely was tired on Saturday...just took it easy:

Chin-ups: Bodyweight x 10, x10, x6, x8, x6, x6
Squat: Lots....worked up to 365x2, then did a bunch of sets of 345x2 (all no belt)
Plate-loaded row: 215x5, 215x6...feeling the fatigue
Behind-the-neck press: 135x6, 185x3, x3

SUNDAY (feeling much better):
Zercher Squat: 95x10, 135x6, 185x5, 225x4, 275x3, 295x2 (PR!), 315x2 (PR!!), 315x2, 285x3
Log Press: 135x8, 155x5, 175x4, 195x3, 215x2 (PR!), 205 @ 3sets, 2 reps each
Incline Dumbbell press: 65x8, 85x10, 95x5, 90x5, 90x3
(could not get properly set up on the incline bench, so these sucked)
Neck Extension: 50x15, x15, x15 (recently had to buy new dress shirt neck size, yay!)
Reverse Barbell Curl, just for fun: 65x6, 85x12, x10, x10

Saturday was technically the start of my deload, or "off-week."  I don't like to take too much time off anymore, just because I don't really psych myself up for any lifts anymore, I don't feel like I'm stressing my body too much.  When you psych yourself up for heavy weights, that is a form of stress on your body.  So I think I can lift consistently in the gym without getting burnt out.  I do use my "off-week" to do whatever I feel like doing though, so I have fun with it.  See ya everybody.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Just did some split squats, hip thrusts, chin-ups...and that was it. Wanted to do some behind-the-neck pressing, but the rack was taken, and I couldn't clean the weight up because my left wrist has been bothering me a lot this week.  Work has been busy, and so I just wanted to get some work in.  Good night