Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hey everyone! This morning was my customary "medium" squat day.  It's typically a bit higher in volume and a little lower in intensity than my other 2 squat sessions.  What this really means is my squat is higher in volume, but I do whatever I want with my assistance lifts.  Usually they are a little higher volume.  Why? Because I want to get jacked, huge, and cut up bro...Anyway, here's how it went today:

Squat: worked up to 320 x 5, no belt
Pin Squats: 345x2 x a bunch of sets.  Set the pins at just above my bottom position.  I think next time I'll set them lower.
Stiff leg deadlifts: 355x5, x5, x5, x5
Neck extension and flexion: 50x15 x a bunch
Leg Press: 690x20.  Ugh...I haven't done these in a while and decided to push it.  Felt a little dizzy afterward, but didn't pass out!  Always a bonus when everyone's awake.  I've got a video of my squat, but YouTube's integrated video editing cuts off most of my body when I rotate the image...I'll have to figure that out.  Otherwise, I'll just upload a sideways video.  You'll be able to figure out what's going on I think.

UPDATE: Okay, tried to insert the video and it put the one in that was turned the right way but cut my body off. This is not worth my time.  Guess I will take all videos in the landscape format from now on to avoid this problem.

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