Monday, December 19, 2011


Sunday I did some benching and tried to do some log pressing.  I tried to get the log presses on video, but, as I may have mentioned before, my phone is not very good.  I'm restraining myself from typing in caps to show my frustration.  The phone got maybe half the sets of exercises I was doing, and I don't really know what the weights were in the videos since it was at a bad angle (I was by myself).

Anyway, here's what I did Sunday:
Bench: worked up to 220x6
Barbell Rows: 285x6x4 sets, 195x25
Log press: 135, 155, 175, 195, 225x1, 225x1

225 is a PR for me.  I did it twice because the first time I know my phone didn't save it, and I wanted to do get it on video. Hopefully I can get something up soon.  I also have squat footage that's not crap that I need to get uploaded.

Okay, just tried to piece some footage together...I give up.  Maybe I don't have enough patience.  Maybe it's all the sitting in the car I do alllll day.  Anyway, I'll post deadlift training from tomorrow.

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