Sunday, December 11, 2011


Did some benching and upper body work today:
Bench: 175x3, 200x3, 225x4, 245x1, 255x1, 275x1, 225x4
Supersetted w/ Squat: worked up to 325x2
Barbell Row: worked up to 275x8 x 4 sets
Neck Flexion off bench: 45x15 x16 x20
Rear Delt Raise: 40x8, 40x8, 40x8, 45x6
Dumbbell Side Bend: 140x12, x12, x12 each side
Log Press (I was beat, so not much here): worked up to 205x2

I'm trying a lot of my lifts beltless lately. One, because it's inherently harder, and two, because it's awesome.  I can do 385 in the squat with no belt, and at least 450 in the deadlift.  I might keep the belt for really heavy sets in the deadlift...we'll see.

Also trying a thumbless grip in the bench press.  This will help the barbell stay on the lower palm of my hand in line with my wrist.  I have had two wrist surgeries on my left hand, and hopefully this will help with the pain I've been having lately.  It's a more dangerous grip, but what's life without some risks, right?

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