Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Tonight I did some deadlifting and all the assistance work that usually goes along with that.  Here it goes:
(All sets done with no belt)
Deadlift: 185x5, 245x4, 315x3, 395x2, 475x3.  This was pretty tough, but I think I'm good for 500 pounds for a single with no belt.  According to a common Maximum calculator, it give me 522 pounds if 475 was a 3-rep max (which it wasn't).  You can use this calculation as an approximation of your maximum if you are just repping out a weight.  Here's the equation (some heavy math coming...not really):

(Weight Lifted X Reps X 0.0333) + Weight Lifted = Approximate Max

So say you were squatting and you squatted 315x4 reps, and you absolutely couldn't do another rep:

(315 X 4 X 0.0333) + 315 = 356.958

So you're estimated single rep maximum is about 357 pounds.  When I first started training seriously, I did two test days where I used approximately 85% of where I thought my max was (no calculating, just estimating based on previous performance), and repped out with squats, deadlifts, bench, and overhead press.  Then I calculated my max from those sets.  Then - pay attention! - I used 90% of that number off which I based all my training poundages.  I've got to give credit to Jim Wendler for this formula.  I'm pretty sure he didn't "invent" it, but he's the first guy I heard it from, so I'm giving credit to him.

Anyway, back to training:
Deficit DL: 385x5, x5, x5, x5
Shrug: 405x12, x12, x12, x12, 275x20
Neck Extension: 55x15, x15, x12

Have a Merry Christmas everybody!  I'll try to post between Christmas and New Year's, but it's probably not gonna happen!  No internet where I'm going!  Love you Melissa!  Text me when you read this!  (five exclamation points, yeah)

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